Fleet & Affiliated Vessels

OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH has 15 vessels. Commercial managers of these vessels manage additional 8 vessels not owned by OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH. OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH.

Global Offices

  • C/O: Sirius Maritime LLC Apartment 1, 1st Floor, bul Knyaz Boris I 109, 9000, Varna, Bulgaria.
  • C/O: OCI Ocean Management GmbH Seestrasse 39, 8700, Kusnacht, Switzerland.
  • C/O: Dean & Waters Ltd Maria House, 35, Millers Road, Brighton, BN1 5NP, United Kingdom.
  • 1st Floor, Jubilee Buildings, Victoria Road, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 2SH
  • C/O: Ocean Independence AG Seestrasse 39, 8700, Kusnacht, Switzerland.
  • Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro MH 96960, Marshall Islands.

Vessels owned by OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH (15)

We found 15 vessels that seem to be directly affiliated with OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH. These vessels are either directly owned under the same company or seem to be under the same beneficial owner based on the registered owners' profiles. Please note that the information provided is not verified and may not be fully accurate.

Vessel Name Flag IMO Type DWT Commercial Manager ISM Manager

Vessels with common Commercial manager (8)

The commercial managers in charge of the 15 vessels shown above under OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH also manage additional 8 vessels not directly affiliated by OCI OCEAN MANAGEMENT GMBH.

Vessel Name Flag IMO Type DWT Owner ISM Manager